foods high in salicylates
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Salicylate Intolerance and The Sulphation Pathway

Salicylate intolerance is one of the most common conditions we see in our clinics. The biological process that is a major underlying driver of this condition is called the sulphation pathway, which is also associated with reactions to histamine,…
suited fireman carrying fire on a shovel
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Bushfire Smoke and Allergies

As many of us have heard, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has officially confirmed that we have moved into an El Nino weather pattern, and with that comes the predictions of a severe bushfire season in Australia. This prediction is particularly…
asthma puffer and chapstick on bed sheets
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Asthma and Allergies

Asthma reactions are becoming more and more common, at present about 500,000 New Zealanders and 2.500,000 Australians have been diagnosed with it. That’s 1 in 8 adults and 1 in 7 children, and it is the most common reason for hospital admissions…
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Your Winter Skin Health Guide

Winter is fast approaching and with it comes cold air, wind and lower humidity. Combine that with hot indoor heating and your skin can become dry, rough, cracked and brittle, sometimes leading to eczema. Your skin is your body's largest…
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Mould, CIRS & Salicylates

Australia and New Zealand have been devastated by flooding in recent years, and though the initial clean up can be heartbreaking to families who have lost everything, it is the longer lasting problems from the water damage that are causing…
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The Effects of Climate Change on Seasonal Allergies

Climate change is happening everywhere and will affect us in many different ways.  Changes in temperature, the weather and Co2 rates have increased the severity and the amount of people who have seasonal allergies world wide.  Australia and…
child holding bunch of flowers that can cause hay fever in children
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Hay Fever in Children

Hay fever in children is common, with up to 30 per cent of children experiencing symptoms. Most allergy sufferers first start experiencing symptoms in early childhood, and can continue to cause issues for school aged children. Symptoms…
dog wrapped in a blanket on bed that can cause hay fever in winter
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Podcast E09 - Winter Allergies

Winter can be a difficult time for allergy sufferers - especially those with eczema, asthma and hay fever! During winter we are immune compromised from cold and flu season, as well as exposed to more indoor triggers. Podcast Notes: how to spot…
woman rugged up outdoors during winter
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Hay Fever in Winter

Do you struggle with hay fever in winter? You’re not alone! It is a common misconception that hay fever only affects allergy sufferers during spring, but there are actually two types of hay fever, seasonal and perennial. Hay Fever in Winter…
woman enjoying sun for vitamin d and allergies
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Vitamin D and Allergies

Several studies have established the link between vitamin d and allergies. What is Vitamin D? Also known as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is surprisingly not a vitamin - it's a hormone. It plays a key role in bone strength, plays a…