Spot an Allergic Reaction to Mosquito Bites

An allergic reaction to mosquito bites can result in swelling, itching and pain – also known as “skeeter syndrome”. Find out how to spot a mosquito bite reaction and how our natural skeeter syndrome treatment may be able to help.


Symptoms of an allergic reaction to mosquito bites

someone with allergic reaction to mosquito bites with raised welt on skinPeople who have an allergic reaction to mosquito bites react to the mosquito’s salivary proteins when they are bitten. This is also known as “skeeter syndrome”.

To spot a mosquito bite reaction, look out for:

  1. No reaction – you’re one of the lucky ones who aren’t allergic!
  2. Small red, firm bump – indicates a minor allergic reaction, the most common mosquito bite reaction.
  3. Large, raised welts that are smooth and red – usually indicative of a significant allergic reaction to mosquito bites. However, it can also mean that a mosquito was feeding for a more extended period, exposing the person to more salivary proteins.
  4. Hives and fever – indicating an extreme allergic reaction, which is characterised by excessive swelling at the bite site that feels hot and hard to touch, pus or skin blisters and fever.

Who’s at risk?

mosquito biting someone's skin which can trigger an allergic reaction to mosquito bitesSkeeter syndrome is more common in children, patients with immune disorders and travellers exposed to new types of mosquitos. Although, there are some people that mosquitos just like better!

These common factors may increase your chances of being bitten:

  • Genetics – the composition of your skin bacteria can act as an attractor, as well as other genetic substances that are present in your sweat.
  • Blood type – O blood types are more prone to mosquito bites compared to those with type A or type B.
  • Body temperature – mosquitos seem to be more attracted to people with higher body temperature.
  • Carbon dioxide – collectively, human beings exhale almost three billion tons of carbon dioxide (1), which mosquitos just love. Coupled with their increased body temperature, this means pregnant women more susceptible. It also explains why kids tend to get bitten less than larger Co2 emitting adults.
  • Dark colours – mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothing because they absorb heat.


How to manage an allergy to mosquito bites

back of woman's arm with mosquito bite reaction

If you suffer from symptoms, there are ways to avoid getting bitten or manage your mosquito bite reaction:

  • Use insect repellent – apply insect repellent to exposed skin when outdoors or go natural and try non-chemical solutions such as citronella, tea tree oil and vitamin B that have been shown to ward off mosquitos.
  • Cover up – minimising skin exposure will reduce your susceptibility to mosquito bites.
  • Avoid standing water – mosquitoes are attracted to water, especially water that is stagnant. In fact, most species lay their eggs in water. So, where possible, avoid large stagnant bodies of water like lakes, marshes, and swamps and get rid of stagnant water around your home, such as buckets of water and clogged stormwater drains.

Try a Natural Skeeter Syndrome Treatment

young boys playing in water where mosquitos are common after having natural skeeter syndrome treatment

PAT is a non-invasive, natural skeeter syndrome treatment which:

  • is performed by qualified Naturopaths
  • draws on kinesiology and acupressure techniques
  • aims to re-train your body to no longer react to the mosquito saliva triggering your symptoms


Please note this blog is general information only, always consult your health care professional before making any diet or lifestyle changes.