Podcast E01 – Salicylate Intolerance

fruit and vegetables on a table that are part of anti-inflammatory diet

Salicylate intolerance is a common condition we see in clinic. Find out what salicylates are, common symptoms and your management options!

  • What are salicylates?
  • What are the symptoms of salicylate intolerance?
  • What is salicylate intolerance?
  • What causes salicylate intolerance?
  • Is an elimination diet the best way to diagnose it?
  • How to manage salicylate intolerance

“They’re so ubiquitous among plant-foods which poses an obvious, major issue, because on paper you may be eating all the ‘right’ foods, healthy, nutrient dense fruit and veggies, and other healthy foods with a high salicylate content…”

Steven Judge – Naturopath & PAT Practitioner


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