Probiotics for Allergies
A healthy microbiome is essential for allergy sufferers because good bacteria maintain the integrity of the gut lining. Probiotics for allergies may help protect against conditions such as leaky gut or SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth).
The ‘gut microbiome’ houses trillions of microbes (bacteria) that are critical to your health and wellbeing. These microorganisms aid digestion, support your immune system and even help control weight gain, high blood and cholesterol levels and other health conditions.
Factors such as illness, antibiotics, certain medications as well as high stress, alcohol and poor dietary habits all contribute to the growth of unfriendly, bad bacteria. This leads to an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, known as dysbiosis.
Does dysbiosis cause allergies?
Antibiotics work by killing off ‘bad’ bacteria to manage infections, but also kill off ‘good’ bacteria in the process. Antibiotics are often administered to allergy-sufferers to help manage infections relating to their conditions, such as sinus infections or skin infections in eczema sufferers. Although, recent research has highlighted the link between gut dysbiosis and allergic diseases, specifically atopic eczema and psoriasis.
When the ‘bad’ bacteria starts to outnumber the ‘good’ bacteria, it can result in small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This bacteria, that is usually found in the colon, starts nesting in the small intestine and can damage the cell lining of the gut and exacerbate leaky gut.
What are probiotics?
The word ‘probiotic’ comes from the Greek word ‘biotikos’ which translates to ‘for life’. Probiotics are friendly, good bacteria that assist in supporting healthy digestive function. There are literally trillions of bacteria living in our gastrointestinal tract at any one time, both ‘good’ and ‘bad’.
Our body’s own innate intelligence knows how to balance the levels of good and bad bacteria so that they can coexist happily within the gastrointestinal tract resulting in a well functioning digestive system.
Probiotics for allergies have been shown to assist in:
- Maintaining healthy digestive function
- Managing traveller’s diarrhoea
- Alleviate symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Managing allergy type symptoms and food sensitivities
- Reduce symptoms associated with uro-genital infections
- Support the immune system
- Minimise the number of sick days in young children
- Reduce side effects associated with antibiotic use such as yeast infections and/or diarrhoea
Many people associate the word ‘probiotic’ with a supplement which you buy in the pharmacy or health food store. However, probiotics are naturally abundant in fermented foods which can just as easily be incorporated into the diet to support digestive health. Examples of probiotic rich foods include plain yoghurt, sauerkraut, miso soup, kefir, kimchi, tempeh and kombucha tea.
Six things you need to know before buying a probiotic supplement:
Not all probiotics for allergies on the market are the same quality. Things to look out for when buying a probiotic supplement include:
- Is it from a reputable company? Good quality brands typically invest more in product research and development to ensure that the end product is of high standard and effective in delivering results.
- Does it need to be refrigerated? Probiotics are live bacteria which generally need to be refrigerated to keep them alive. If you see a product on the shelf outside of the refrigerator, you need to ask the company how they have been able to achieve this without compromising the quality and strength of the probiotic.
- What is the genus, species and strain of the probiotic? Some have been clinically proven to be effective in managing digestive symptoms whilst others do not have a therapeutic effect at all. It is important that the company states which type of probiotic is being used as they all exert a slightly different action in the body.
- How much do you get with each dosage? The strength of the probiotic will determine how effective it will be and how often you need to take it.
- Do you have a dairy intolerance/allergy? Unless otherwise stated, almost all probiotics on the market have been cultured on dairy so if you are intolerant or allergic to dairy, then it is important to buy a dairy free probiotic product instead.
- How much do they cost? Good quality products generally have this reflected in its price. Avoid products which are found in discount bins or sales tables.
With the wide range of probiotic supplements available in health foods, pharmacies and even supermarkets, it’s important ensure you get the right probiotic supplement for your health! So it’s always best to follow your qualified health practitioners advice.
Natural Allergy Treatment
Probiotics are often incorporated into a management plan for any allergy-related condition. A healthy microbiome helps the food we eat to be digested into beneficial compounds. These compounds help heal the tight junctions between our the cells of our gut lining, preventing leaky gut. Specific strains of probiotics have also been proved to help manage allergy-related conditions, such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG for eczema.
At Health & Wellness Australia & Auckland (HWA), our Naturopaths use a form of muscle testing (kinesiology) to help pinpoint the substances triggering your allergy symptoms. Following this, we perform a natural allergy treatment called Positive Association Technique (PAT), which aims to reduce your reactions and symptoms to food additives and other food and environmental substances.
Positive Association Technique (PAT)
PAT is a non-invasive holistic therapy, which:
- draws on acupressure and kinesiology techniques
- aims to re-train your body
- may reduce your reactions to food and environmental substances that may be causing or exacerbating your symptoms.

At Health & Wellness Australia & Auckland (HWA), our Naturopaths use a form of muscle testing (kinesiology) to help pinpoint the food and environmental substances triggering your allergy symptoms.

Following this, we perform a natural allergy treatment called Positive Association Technique (PAT), which aims to reduce your reactions and symptoms.
We stimulate acupressure points down the spine with a chiropractic tool called an ‘Acustim’, while you are holding onto a sample vial of the substance, which aims to to re-train your body to no longer react to the substance.

Some cases can be complex, so our Naturopaths may also recommend supplements and herbs, and provide lifestyle advice to help you achieve the best long-term results.
Get in touch
- Call us on 1300 853 023 / 09 479 5997 (NZ) to chat to our friendly staff
- Send us your question HERE
- Request a Free PAT Information E-PACK HERE
Please note this blog is general information only. Always consult your healthcare professional before making any diet or lifestyle changes.