woman drinking milk with milk allergy vs lactose intolerance
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Milk Allergies vs. Lactose Intolerance; Get Answers and Relief with PAT

Learn more about the different components of milk that can cause issues for sensitive people, and how Positive Association Technique (PAT) can be beneficial.
man sitting on couch struggling with allergic asthma
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Allergic Asthma; Common Triggers and How to Get Relief

Asthma diagnoses are becoming more and more common, with about 500,000 New Zealanders and 2.8M Australians currently diagnosed with the condition. In 90% of children and 50% of adults, the condition is classified as allergic asthma. At…
a close up of the gut microbiome and allergies
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The link between your Gut Microbiome and Allergies

Learn more about the connection between the gut microbiome and allergies, how to improve you gut health and manage your allergy symptoms.
woman scratching her arm needs to relieve dry, itchy skin in winter
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How to Prevent Eczema Flare Ups in Winter.

When winter arrives, cold air, wind and lower humidity come along with it. Combined with hot indoor heating, your skin can become dry and itchy during winter, sometimes leading to eczema flare ups. Prevent eczema flare ups during winter…

The Worst Places to Live with Allergies

Australia and New Zealand have some of the highest hay fever rates in the world, making them two of the worst places to live with allergies.  Location plays a significant role in hay fever, which is why some people can be unaffected their whole…
field of wheat which can cause gluten sensitivity
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Gluten Sensitivity; it's a real thing! Get relief from gluten sensitivity symptoms.

Do you notice that you experience uncomfortable gluten sensitivity symptoms when you eat too much gluten? Even though your test results have come back all clear? Not only is it a real thing, but you can get relief from gluten sensitivity…
vegetables that contain anti-nutrients

The Anti-Nutrient Debate

Some food chemicals (such as lectins and oxalates) have been given the title ‘anti-nutrients’ and depending on which research paper you read, they are either to be avoided or heartily included in each meal. Food fads are an interesting…
Mast Cell activation Syndrome

The Rise of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

We’ve experienced an increase in enquiries recently from clients who have been diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) asking how we can help. So in this article we're going explain what it is, why more people are being diagnosed…
foods high in salicylates
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Salicylate Intolerance and The Sulphation Pathway

Salicylate intolerance is one of the most common conditions we see in our clinics. The biological process that is a major underlying driver of this condition is called the sulphation pathway, which is also associated with reactions to histamine,…

The Link Between Stress, Cortisol and Allergies

You may have heard of cortisol, but did you know there's a link between cortisol and allergies? Cortisol is the strong anti-inflammatory produced by the adrenal gland, so when histamine is released during an allergic reaction, cortisol…