Long-COVID and Allergies
For most people, COVID was unpleasant, but did not leave a lasting health impact on them. For others, the effects are still lingering months, even years after they had it. New research has found a correlation between people who have mast…
The Vagus Nerve and Allergies
Recent research has highlighted the link between the vagus nerve and allergies, due to its modulating effects on the immune system and anti-inflammatory potential. So, what does this mean for allergy sufferers? What is the vagus nerve? The…
Gut Health and Allergies
There is a strong link between gut health and allergies. Our gut digests everything we consume, extracts the essential vitamins and minerals then passes out the waste products left over. Although sometimes our gut doesn't work as it should,…
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Allergies
SIBO is a chronic gut condition, which can lead to leaky gut, and the development of food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities. SIBO and allergies often occur concurrently. What is SIBO? SIBO is defined as an abnormal number…
Gluten Intolerance vs Coeliac Disease
Do you suspect that you might have gluten intolerance or coeliac disease? Considering going gluten-free? Read this first... What is gluten? Gluten is an umbrella term to describe five different proteins (gliadins, glutenins, hordeins,…
Lectin Sensitivity
Naturally occurring lectins in food are difficult to digest and can trigger symptoms in some people, known as lectin sensitivity. So, what are lectins? What are foods high in lectins? What are lectins? Lectins are a type of protein…
Four Anti-Inflammatory Diet Tips
The after math of over indulging during the holiday season can leave us feeling a little bit silly and a little more jolly (if you know what I mean).
Eating a higher amount of processed foods including sugar, refined carbohydrates(5), and alcohol…
Podcast E14 - Christmas Allergies
The festive season is a time to celebrate with family and friends, usually with lots of eating an drinking! Although, Christmas can also present with some unique allergy triggers. There are some common Christmas allergies to keep an…
Prevent Allergy Flare-Ups this Holiday Season
For many of us, the end of year break is a time for some well-earned R and R. But, despite the sleep ins and lazing about, the holiday season can bring a surprising level of tiredness. This is also known as ‘end-of- year burnout’.
Podcast E13 - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue, that may worsen with physical or mental activity, but doesn't improve with rest. CFS can occur at any age, but it most commonly affects people…