What Causes Allergies?
Do you ever wonder why you suffer from allergies when others don’t? What causes allergies in some people is often due to being an ‘atopic’ individual.
Being ‘atopic’ means that your immune system, Immunoglobulin (IgE) in particular, is more hypersensitive and is more likely to react to the allergens it’s exposed to.
Research suggests that our susceptibility to developing allergies is established in early childhood, which may explain why most allergy sufferers first experience symptoms around that time.
Allergies are inherited
Children with one family member with an allergy (such as asthma or eczema) have a 20 to 40 per cent higher risk of developing an allergy-related condition in their lifetime. When there are two or more family members, this percentage increases to 50 to 80 per cent.
The ‘hygiene hypothesis’
The hygiene hypothesis suggests that a lack of exposure to bacteria in early childhood (due to cleaning agents) means that the immune system is unable to differentiate between true pathogens and harmless stimuli (e.g. dust or pollen). This may result in an increased development of reactions to usually harmless substances and allergy-related conditions.
Births by caesarean section
A swedish study found that babies born via caesarean were 21 per cent more likely to develop food allergies. Babies born via caesarean do not get their gut microbiome colonized by it’s mother’s vaginal microbes, and the first microbiome they encounter is the hospital room.
This can increase the likelihood of an overgrowth of the bacterium ‘clostidium difficile’, causing a imbalance known as dysbiosis. This dysbiosis may delay and alter the development of the newborns immune system, increasing the incidence of allergies.
Early feeding habits
Research shows that breastfeeding for the first four-to-six months reduces allergies in early childhood. This may be because breast milk can help build a baby’s immunity and delays the introduction of potentially allergenic foods until the immune system is further developed.
Natural Allergy Treatment
PAT is a non-invasive holistic therapy, which:
- draws on acupressure and kinesiology techniques
- aims to re-train your body
- may reduce your reactions to food and environmental substances

At Health & Wellness Australia & Auckland (HWA), our Naturopaths use a form of muscle testing (kinesiology) to help pinpoint the substances triggering your allergy symptoms.

Following this, we perform a natural allergy treatment called Positive Association Technique (PAT), which aims to reduce your reactions and symptoms.

Some cases can be complex, so our Naturopaths may also recommend supplements and herbs, and provide lifestyle advice to help you achieve the best long-term results.
Get in touch
- Call us on 1300 853 023 / 09 479 5997 (NZ) to chat to our friendly staff
- Send us your question HERE
- Request a Free PAT Information E-PACK HERE
Please note this blog is general information only. Always consult your healthcare professional before making any diet or lifestyle changes
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