gut health and immune system
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Is Gut Health the Key to a Calmer Immune System?

Gut health seems to be the latest health trend at the moment, and rightly so! Learn how your gut health impacts your immune system with Canberra Naturopath & PAT Pracittioner Fiona Joiner.
Caleb Marshall, Tropeaka - Headshot

CEO & Co-Founder of Tropeaka, Caleb Marshall's Health Story

Caleb from Tropeaka shared his unique health story with me, after developing CFS and food intolerances from mould exposure.
sugar cravings and allergies
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Sugar Cravings and Allergies

We all know sugar isn't good for us, but your sugar cravings may actually be due to your allergies! Uncover this curious connection with Naturopath & PAT Practitioner Leila Diquinizio
woman drinking milk with milk allergy vs lactose intolerance
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Milk Allergies vs. Lactose Intolerance; Get Answers and Relief with PAT

Learn more about the different components of milk that can cause issues for sensitive people, and how Positive Association Technique (PAT) can be beneficial.
a close up of the gut microbiome and allergies
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The link between your Gut Microbiome and Allergies

Learn more about the connection between the gut microbiome and allergies, how to improve you gut health and manage your allergy symptoms.
field of wheat which can cause gluten sensitivity
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Gluten Sensitivity; it's a real thing! Get relief from gluten sensitivity symptoms.

Do you notice that you experience uncomfortable gluten sensitivity symptoms when you eat too much gluten? Even though your test results have come back all clear? Not only is it a real thing, but you can get relief from gluten sensitivity…
vegetables that contain anti-nutrients

The Anti-Nutrient Debate

Some food chemicals (such as lectins and oxalates) have been given the title ‘anti-nutrients’ and depending on which research paper you read, they are either to be avoided or heartily included in each meal. Food fads are an interesting…
foods high in salicylates
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Salicylate Intolerance and The Sulphation Pathway

Salicylate intolerance is one of the most common conditions we see in our clinics. The biological process that is a major underlying driver of this condition is called the sulphation pathway, which is also associated with reactions to histamine,…
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Artificial sweeteners: sugar-free, but at what cost?

Summer is here and for some that means hitting the gym and watching what you eat.  Often this means eating more "sugar free" and "low calorie" snacks to try to reduce the amount of calories you're consuming.  Although these foods…
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Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Most of you will have heard of MSG and know it has something to do with improving the flavor of foods, but many of you wont realize just how much of it is in our processed foods and how much you may be consuming it! MSG stands for…