Two-Step Approach for Gut Health and Allergies
Hippocrates once said that ‘all disease begins in the gut’ … and how right he was! Gut conditions, like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), leaky gut and IBS, can all trigger uncomfortable symptoms, such as bloating, gas, cramps,…

Candida Allergy and Overgrowth
Everyone has candida residing in their gut. However, candida can become a problem if it grows out of control, leading to candida overgrowth or candida allergy. What is candida? Candida is a species of yeast that normally lives in the digestive…

The Low FODMAP Diet
This week we’re shining the spotlight on one of the latest health crazes: FODMAPs diet. These days, with so much conflicting advice, and so many nutrition-related buzzwords floating about, it can be hard to know what’s right and who’s…

Improving your Gut Health
The 'gut microbiome' houses trillions of microbes (bacteria) that are critical to your health and wellbeing. Improving your gut health aids digestion, supports your immune system and even help control weight gain, high blood and cholesterol…

Food Intolerance to salicylates, amines & glutamates
Your guide to food intolerance caused by salicylates, amines & glutamates
Food intolerance can cause a wide range of symptoms and are notoriously difficult to pinpoint. So, what are the symptoms of food intolerance, and what causes…

What causes salicylate intolerance?
Salicylate Intolerance Podcast
What are salicylates?
Salicylates are naturally occurring chemicals produced by plants that help protect them against disease, and are highly concentrated in various fruits and vegetables, and even…

Prevent Skin Dryness this Autumn
It's key to prevent skin dryness, as when your skin is dry and inflamed, it can also make your skin more reactive to allergy triggers. This is especially taxing in those with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.
One of the…

Zinc Deficiency and Histamine Intolerance
Zinc deficiency can affect almost every aspect of your health because zinc is an 'essential' trace element, meaning it is a vital nutrient for life. There is also a link between zinc deficiency and histamine intolerance. What is Histamine…

Pesticides and Allergies
The term 'pesticides' describes a wide range of chemicals that are used to kill pests in the agricultural production of many fruits and vegetables that we consume. The link between pesticides and allergies is becoming more prevalent.

Autoimmune Disease and Allergies
Autoimmune disease and allergies are continuing to increase worldwide due to a variety of factors including genetic predisposition and environmental factors such as ‘improved’ hygiene, poor dietary habits, environmental toxins & chemicals,…