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Vitamin D and Allergies

woman enjoying sun for vitamin d and allergies

Several studies have established the link between vitamin d and allergies.

What is Vitamin D?

woman holding hands in in love heart over sunset

Also known as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is surprisingly not a vitamin – it’s a hormone. It plays a key role in bone strength, plays a part in fertility for both men and women, improves your mood and boosts immunity.

Vitamin D and allergies 

woman sitting on the grass in the sun

Studies have linked vitamin d and allergies and vitamin d deficiency with various allergy-related conditions.


The anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D are thought to help with asthma and seasonal allergies, like hay fever. In fact, studies have associated low vitamin D levels with a 50 per cent increase in severe asthma attacks in children (3). Taking vitamin D during pregnancy has also been associated with a lower prevalence of wheezing in offspring around the age of three (4).


Vitamin D can reduce the symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions, like eczema and dermatitis, because of its ability to strengthen the skin barrier and reduce inflammation. In fact, a common treatment for these disorders is the controlled use of ultraviolet (UV) light, which encourages the production of vitamin D in the skin.

Urticaria (Hives)

Hives are an allergic skin condition, chronic hives create red, itchy welts on the skin and sometimes swelling. A study by researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center shows vitamin D could provide some relief for chronic hives, with a 33 per cent decrease in symptoms on a 600IU dosage and a further 40 per cent improvement on 4000IU.


Who is at risk of vitamin D deficiency?

woman covering face from sun

Humans receive at least 80 per cent of their vitamin D from sunlight exposure (1). The rest comes from foods that are naturally high in vitamin D. However, even in sunny Australia, low vitamin D levels are still a concern.

You’re most at risk if you:

  • Don’t consume the enough (particularly prevalent in those who follow a strict vegan diet)
  • Have limited exposure to sunlight – most of your vitamin D receptors are located in the torso arms and legs therefore the vast majority of people will not get much in the colder months
  • Have dark skin, the natural sun protection that high levels of melanin offer means that more sunshine exposure is needed
  • Take medications, or have a health condition, that affect the way your body metabolises vitamin D

Increasing your vitamin D levels

woman lying in the sun for vitamin d and allergies

You can increase your vitamin D levels in a number of ways:

  • Sun exposure– the best way to increase your vitamin D levels is through sensible exposure to sunlight. Aim for 10 minutes of every day on bare skin arms and or torso early morning and/or late afternoon. The hours between 10 and 3 is when the angle of the UV raise is at it’s optimal for absorption
  • Supplementation– talk to your healthcare practitioner about the right supplement and dosage for your genetics and lifestyle and environment
  • Diet– increase your consumption of vitamin D-rich foods. Good sources include fortified margarine (not a healthy food) , oily fish, milk or yoghurt, egg yolks and cheese. Cod liver oil, beef liver.

Natural Allergy Treatment

At Health & Wellness Australia & Auckland (HWA), we use a technique called muscle testing (or kinesiology) to help identify reactions to food and environmental substances. Following testing, you can work with your practitioner to address these sensitivities using a natural allergy treatment called Positive Association Technique (PAT).

PAT is a non-invasive holistic therapy, which:

  • draws on acupressure and kinesiology techniques
  • aims to re-train your body
  • aims to reduce your body’s reactions to food and environmental triggers

Some cases can be complex, so our Naturopaths may also recommend supplements and herbs, and provide lifestyle advice, to help you achieve the best long-term results.

  • Send our PAT practitioners a question HERE
  • Request a FREE PAT Information E-PACK HERE

Please note that this blog contains general information only. Always consult your health care professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.