foods high in salicylates
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Salicylate Intolerance and The Sulphation Pathway

Salicylate intolerance is one of the most common conditions we see in our clinics. The biological process that is a major underlying driver of this condition is called the sulphation pathway, which is also associated with reactions to histamine,…
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Artificial sweeteners: sugar-free, but at what cost?

Summer is here and for some that means hitting the gym and watching what you eat.  Often this means eating more "sugar free" and "low calorie" snacks to try to reduce the amount of calories you're consuming.  Although these foods…
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Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Most of you will have heard of MSG and know it has something to do with improving the flavor of foods, but many of you wont realize just how much of it is in our processed foods and how much you may be consuming it! MSG stands for…
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Oestrogen and Histamine during Menopause

This article is for all women over the age of 40.  Some of you may have noticed you are experiencing an increase in your hay fever symptoms from seasonal allergies, foods you were previously able to eat are now giving you skin irritations…
man holding hands on stomach due to salicylate intolerance

Gut Health and Allergies

There is a strong link between gut health and allergies. Our gut digests everything we consume, extracts the essential vitamins and minerals then passes out the waste products left over. Although sometimes our gut doesn't work as it should,…
infographic of healthy intestines and intestines with SIBO and allergies
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Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Allergies

SIBO is a chronic gut condition, which can lead to leaky gut, and the development of food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities. SIBO and allergies often occur concurrently. What is SIBO? SIBO is defined as an abnormal number…
bunch of wheat containing gluten causing allergies
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Gluten Intolerance vs Coeliac Disease

Do you suspect that you might have gluten intolerance or coeliac disease? Considering going gluten-free? Read this first... What is gluten? Gluten is an umbrella term to describe five different proteins (gliadins,  glutenins, hordeins,…
foods containing lectins causing allergies
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Lectin Sensitivity

Naturally occurring lectins in food are difficult to digest and can trigger symptoms in some people, known as lectin sensitivity. So, what are lectins? What are foods high in lectins? What are lectins? Lectins are a type of protein…
woman resting hands on stomach in love heart shape for gut health and allergies

Probiotics for Allergies

A healthy microbiome is essential for allergy sufferers because good bacteria maintain the integrity of the gut lining. Probiotics for allergies may help protect against conditions such as leaky gut or SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth). The…
fruit and vegetables on a table that are part of anti-inflammatory diet

Four Anti-Inflammatory Diet Tips

The after math of over indulging during the holiday season can leave us feeling a little bit silly and a little more jolly (if you know what I mean). Eating a higher amount of processed foods including sugar, refined carbohydrates(5), and alcohol…