Entries by manager@naturalallergytreatment.com.au

Nightshade Allergy

If you’ve never heard of nightshades, you shouldn’t worry – you’re not alone. The term is used to describe Solanaceae, a plant family, which includes tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant and tobacco. Nightshade allergy can contribute to pain and inflammation in some people. So, why do nightshades cause inflammation?   Why do nightshades cause inflammation? While […]

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Food Intolerance to salicylates, amines & glutamates

  Your guide to food intolerance caused by salicylates, amines & glutamates Food intolerance can cause a wide range of symptoms and are notoriously difficult to pinpoint. So, what are the symptoms of food intolerance, and what causes food intolerance symptoms? Are food intolerance and food allergies the same thing? Ah huh! This is the […]


What causes salicylate intolerance?

Salicylate Intolerance Podcast   What are salicylates? Salicylates are naturally occurring chemicals produced by plants that help protect them against disease, and are highly concentrated in various fruits and vegetables, and even some prescription drugs.  They are a product of a plants own defence system against environmental stress, insects, fungi, and are part of an […]

Podcast E04 – What causes allergies?

Many allergy sufferers wonder why they struggling with frustrating symptoms while others don’t! While genetics do play a significant role, our modern lifestyle may be contributing to rising allergy rates. So, what causes allergies? The role genetics play The hygiene hypothesis Early gut microbiome development Gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) Antibiotics and Pesticides Exposure to […]