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Mould, CIRS & Salicylates

Australia and New Zealand have been devastated by flooding in recent years, and though the initial clean up can be heartbreaking to families who have lost everything, it is the longer lasting problems from the water damage that are causing…
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Oestrogen and Histamine during Menopause

This article is for all women over the age of 40.  Some of you may have noticed you are experiencing an increase in your hay fever symptoms from seasonal allergies, foods you were previously able to eat are now giving you skin irritations…

Long-COVID and Allergies

For most people, COVID was unpleasant, but did not leave a lasting health impact on them.  For others, the effects are still lingering months, even years after they had it.  New research has found a correlation between people who have mast…
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The Effects of Climate Change on Seasonal Allergies

Climate change is happening everywhere and will affect us in many different ways.  Changes in temperature, the weather and Co2 rates have increased the severity and the amount of people who have seasonal allergies world wide.  Australia and…

The Vagus Nerve and Allergies

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in your body. It connects your brain to many important organs throughout the body, including the gut (intestines, stomach), heart and lungs. In fact, the word "vagus" means “wanderer” in Latin, which…
man holding hands on stomach due to salicylate intolerance

Gut Health and Allergies

There is a strong link between gut health and allergies. Our gut digests everything we consume, extracts the essential vitamins and minerals then passes out the waste products left over. Although sometimes our gut doesn't work as it should,…
infographic of healthy intestines and intestines with SIBO and allergies
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Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Allergies

SIBO is a chronic gut condition, which can lead to leaky gut, and the development of food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities. SIBO and allergies often occur concurrently. What is SIBO? SIBO is defined as an abnormal number…
bunch of wheat containing gluten causing allergies
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Gluten Intolerance vs Coeliac Disease

Do you suspect that you might have gluten intolerance or coeliac disease? Considering going gluten-free? Read this first... What is gluten? Gluten is an umbrella term to describe five different proteins (gliadins,  glutenins, hordeins,…
foods containing lectins causing allergies
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Lectin Sensitivity

Naturally occurring lectins in food are difficult to digest and can trigger symptoms in some people, known as lectin sensitivity. So, what are lectins? What are foods high in lectins? What are lectins? Lectins are a type of protein…
woman resting hands on stomach in love heart shape for gut health and allergies

Probiotics for Allergies

A healthy microbiome is essential for allergy sufferers because good bacteria maintain the integrity of the gut lining. Probiotics for allergies may help protect against conditions such as leaky gut or SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth). The…