mouldy wall that can cause mould biotoxin illness
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Podcast E11 - Mould Biotoxin Illness

Mould biotoxin illness is when part of our immune system becomes extremely hyper-reactive, leading to Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), due to exposure to mould. What is Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)? When…

Histamine Intolerance - symptoms & causes

Histamine intolerance can be caused by chronic allergies & contribute to the development of new reactions. Find out the symptoms, causes & natural treatment options for histamine intolerance.   The role of histamine Histamine…
lady resting hands on stomach in love heart for gut health and allergies

Two-Step Approach for Gut Health and Allergies

Hippocrates once said that ‘all disease begins in the gut’ … and how right he was! Gut conditions, like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), leaky gut and IBS, can all trigger uncomfortable symptoms, such as bloating, gas, cramps,…
glasses with instructions to testing for candidaitis

Candida Allergy and Overgrowth

Everyone has candida residing in their gut. However, candida can become a problem if it grows out of control, leading to candida overgrowth or candida allergy. What is candida? Candida is a species of yeast that normally lives in the digestive…

The Low FODMAP Diet

This week we’re shining the spotlight on one of the latest health crazes: FODMAPs diet. These days, with so much conflicting advice, and so many nutrition-related buzzwords floating about, it can be hard to know what’s right and who’s…
child holding bunch of flowers that can cause hay fever in children
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Hay Fever in Children

Hay fever in children is common, with up to 30 per cent of children experiencing symptoms. Most allergy sufferers first start experiencing symptoms in early childhood, and can continue to cause issues for school aged children. Symptoms…
lady resting hands on stomach in love heart for gut health and allergies

Improving your Gut Health

The 'gut microbiome' houses trillions of microbes (bacteria) that are critical to your health and wellbeing. Improving your gut health aids digestion, supports your immune system and even help control weight gain, high blood and cholesterol…
woman blowing nose due to hay fever allergies
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What Causes Allergies?

Do you ever wonder why you suffer from allergies when others don’t? What causes allergies in some people is often due to being an ‘atopic’ individual. Being ‘atopic’ means that your immune system, Immunoglobulin (IgE) in particular,…

The Worst Places to Live with Allergies

Australia and New Zealand have some of the highest hay fever rates in the world, making them two of the worst places to live with allergies. Find out the worst places to live with allergies in Australia and New Zealand and the best places to…
dog wrapped in a blanket on bed that can cause hay fever in winter
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Podcast E09 - Winter Allergies

Winter can be a difficult time for allergy sufferers - especially those with eczema, asthma and hay fever! During winter we are immune compromised from cold and flu season, as well as exposed to more indoor triggers. Podcast Notes: how to spot…