Podcast E04 – What causes allergies?

woman with zinc deficiency and histamine intolerance blowing nose

Many allergy sufferers wonder why they struggling with frustrating symptoms while others don’t! While genetics do play a significant role, our modern lifestyle may be contributing to rising allergy rates. So, what causes allergies?

  • The role genetics play
  • The hygiene hypothesis
  • Early gut microbiome development
  • Gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)
  • Antibiotics and Pesticides
  • Exposure to food during pregnancy and introducing solids
  • Nutritional deficiencies

“You can have a genetic predisposition to developing allergies, but that doesn’t mean they’ll definitely manifest. However, what will influence the genetic expression of your genes is the environment, that modify the switching on or off of genes.

Steven Judge – Naturopath & PAT Practitioner